What is a Caffe Shakerato?

Caffè Shakerato

Caffe shakerato is an iced espresso drink. Espresso is shaken with ice cubes and simple syrup in a tumbler and then strained into a glass. The espresso is frothed, iced, and strained before it is poured into a glass. People usually serve it in a martini glass or a small glass.

The ingredients for this iced coffee beverage are very simple: espresso, ice cubes, and sugar. To prepare it, shake all these ingredients in a cocktail shaker for 15 seconds.

When shaken, the espresso becomes frothy, sweet, and embedded with small flecks of ice. The thick cream floats on top of the chilled espresso when poured into a glass.

Origins of Caffe Shakerato

Caffe Shakerato is a relatively new invention. It was Italy that found this drink less than a decade ago. The name shakerato comes from the English word “shake” with an Italian ending.

Italians believe that, unlike Americans, who frequently use ice in their drinks, the use of ice can damage a digestive system.

Shakerato contains minimal ice cubes. This is because it was created using the idea of shaking to chill rather than adding iced cubes to chill, which means you don’t have to worry about the ice diluting your drink, no matter how long it takes you to finish it.

Making Caffe Shakerato

To make a shakerato at home, you will need a shot of espresso or concentrated coffee, white sugar or simple syrup, and ice cubes. To make it more quickly, try using a mason jar with a cap to shake the ingredients together.

Prepare a cocktail by first brewing coffee, then placing 1.5 ounces of espresso and 3 ounces of strong coffee in a shaker or jar along with 1.5 teaspoons of simple syrup. Gently shake the mixture while including ice cubes, and then strain it into an attractive serving glass once the mixture is frothy.

You can customize the Shakerato to your taste preferences because it only uses three basic ingredients. Here are two ways to upgrade your Shakerato at home:

Using Instant Coffee

When making a shakerato, you can make your process easier by using instant coffee crystals. Simply dissolve the crystals in the water (the quantity depends on your preference).

Using Milk or Condensed Milk

If you want to use milk in place of water, you can substitute 1 cup of milk for 1 cup of water in the recipe. If you want an even sweeter coffee, add one tablespoon of sweetened condensed milk before shaking.

The Taste Profile of Caffe Shakerato

A caffè shakerato is a drink made with espresso coffee and sugar or sugar syrup. The sugar helps build viscosity, which enables both a velvety texture and a brilliantly bitter-sweet flavor profile to emerge.