How to Make Vanilla Coffee at Home

Vanilla Coffee

Vanilla coffee is a classic! It’s rich and creamy with a light sweetness that makes it appealing to coffee lovers. The delicious aroma it produces when brewing makes it a favorite in many homes.

The process of making this type of coffee is not very complicated. You can make it at home without special equipment, and I will tell you how.

What is Vanilla Coffee?

vanilla coffee

Vanilla is a spice that comes from the vanilla bean, which is actually a fruit. It’s used in many desserts and even in some savory dishes. It has a sweet, nutty flavor that can instantly enhance a beverage or dish.

Vanilla coffee is simply coffee with vanilla added to it – whether in the form of vanilla sugar or vanilla extract. This gives the coffee a sweet flavor without it being overly sweet.

The Best Things About This Recipe

  • It is delicious and refreshing.
  • Does not need fancy equipment and ingredients.
  • Easy and quick to make – can be prepared in minutes.
  • It’s healthy – only uses a bit of vanilla sugar instead of sugary syrups.

Making Vanilla Coffee


  • Coffee 

Don’t have hot coffee? No problem! You can also use cold leftover coffee or cold brew coffee. A second option is to use two shots of espresso.

  • Vanilla Sugar

You can also use vanilla extract if you don’t have vanilla sugar.

  • Milk

Although it is optional, and you can choose whatever type of milk you like, including dairy-free options, I prefer to use whole milk.


  • Start by filling your cup with hot coffee, but only about halfway.
  • Add in vanilla extract or vanilla sugar (whatever you prefer).
  • Mix well until the vanilla sugar or extract has dissolved.
  • Fill your cup with ice cubes generously.
  • Pour over your preferred type of milk, and that’s pretty much it!

You must be wondering how easy it is to make vanilla coffee at home, right? Well, yes, it is. And I always want you people to make easy and quick coffee recipes.

Although it is quite easy to make, there are some tips and tricks you can apply to take your vanilla coffee to another level. They are as follows:

1. Always Use Freshly Ground Coffee Beans

You should use freshly ground beans for making vanilla coffee because the aromatic oils in the beans will be lost if they are pre-grounded and stored for long periods. An electric or hand grinder is the best way to grind your beans.

2. Opt for Cold Brew Coffee

Want the best-tasting vanilla coffee? Opt for cold brew coffee. The benefit of adding cold brew coffee in this recipe is that you can completely skip adding milk.

3. Increase/Decrease Quantity of Vanilla as per Your Preference

Like or dislike more vanilla taste in your coffee? You can increase or decrease the quantity of vanilla sugar or extract according to your preferred taste.

4. Add Vanilla Sugar when your Coffee is Hot

Make sure to add vanilla sugar when your coffee is still hot. Doing this will make it easier for you to quickly stir and dissolve the sugar into the coffee without waiting.

5. You Can Add a Little White Sugar

Have sweet tooth? I do too! Well, you can add some white sugar and vanilla sugar for a sweet, sugary taste. Yes, it won’t be healthy, but anything for the taste buds, right?

6. Transform it into Iced Mocha

You can also level up this simple recipe and transform it into iced mocha by adding one teaspoon of cocoa powder. You can add either sweetened or unsweetened cocoa powder – depending on your preference.

Liked this recipe? I will share a delicious French Vanilla Coffee Creamer recipe in the next blog. I prefer to make my own coffee creamer at home, as I know there are no artificial ingredients or preservatives.

Stay tuned for more updates!