Unhealthy Coffee Drinks Not to Order at a Coffee Shop

Unhealthy coffee drinks

Coffee shops have changed the way we drink coffee, but are you ordering the right drinks from your local coffee shop? Coffee drinkers try to pull different orders at their local coffee shop just because they think it’s cool or fun. However, you should know that there are certain unhealthy coffee drinks that you should never order from your local coffee shop, and you will find those in this article.

1. Krispy Kreme Frozen Caramel Latte

  • Calories: 350 (per 20oz)
  • Fat: 11g
  • Sodium: 250mg
  • Carbs: 58g
  • Protein: 1g

The frozen caramel latte is a sweet, creamy, and delicious treat. It’s also one of the more indulgent drink options out there and can pack on the calories – even before any toppings or drizzle. The drink also contains 11 grams of fat, with 7 grams coming from saturated fat alone. You better get a simple latte or cappuccino instead of this drink if you’re trying to watch your weight.

2. Au Bon Pain Mocha Latte

  • Calories: 400 (per 20oz)
  • Fat: 11g
  • Sodium: 160mg
  • Carbs: 64g
  • Protein: 11g

If you’re ordering a mocha latte from Au Bon Pain, then you might as well just pour your own cup from a pot of hot cocoa mix and call it good. This drink has such little coffee in it that it’s basically just chocolate milk with whipped cream on top. This drink contains more than four times the amount of sugar in Au Bon Pain’s Almond Croissants.

3. Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha with Whole Milk, Whipped Cream

  • Calories: 530 (per 20oz)
  • Fat: 21g
  • Sodium: 310mg
  • Carbs: 68g
  • Protein: 19g

Starbucks’ White Chocolate Mocha is a sweet treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth. It’s made from espresso, white chocolate mocha sauce, and steamed milk. The drink is then topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

It may be tempting to order this beverage when you’re at Starbucks, but it has some downsides. First, the drink contains sugar and caffeine from the espresso and chocolate mocha sauce. You can get a sugar rush from the excess sugar in this drink, which can lead to an energy crash later in the day because of its high sugar content. The caffeine in this drink can also cause jitters and sleeplessness if consumed too late in the day or too early in the morning.

All in all, drinking this coffee is just like starting your day with five pastries worth of sugar.

4. McDonald’s Caramel Frappe, Whip, and Caramel Drizzle

  • Calories: 670 (per 20oz)
  • Fat: 27g
  • Sodium: 200mg
  • Carbs: 96g
  • Protein: 11g

McDonald’s has been trying its best to make us forget about their Happy Meals and focus on their McCafes instead. But unfortunately for them, their new caramel frappes have been getting a lot of negative attention online because they’re just too sweet — even for some adults! They’re made with a caramel syrup that has 22 grams of sugar per serving (or one sip).

That’s more than an entire small chocolate chip cookie from Dunkin’ Donuts! It also has more calories than a McDonald’s hamburger!

5. Dunkin’ Butter Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee with Whole Milk

  • Calories: 880 (per 20oz)
  • Fat: 11g
  • Sodium: 240mg
  • Carbs: 184g
  • Protein: 11g

Dunkin’ Donuts markets its frozen coffee beverage as “caramelicious.” But I’d say it’s more like calorie-licious! The drink packs more sugar than you’ll find in their 58 munchkins from the chain and a whopping 880 calories. Therefore, it is one of the unhealthy coffee drinks!

For the same calorie count, you could order a few Dunkin’ Donuts delights, such as a Bacon Egg and Cheese on a Croissant, along with a Chocolate-Frosted Donut with Sprinkles—and still have 50 calories to spare!

Three cups of cream and sweetened condensed milk—not to mention a lot of sugar— turn this frozen coffee into an extra-large high-fat dessert.

6. Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte with Whole Milk, Whip

  • Calories: 420 (per 20oz)
  • Fat: 16g
  • Sodium: 210mg
  • Carbs: 54g
  • Protein: 15g

If you’re a coffee drinker, chances are you must have ordered a Starbucks Cinnamon Dolce Latte with Whole Milk, Whip. Starbucks has made several small changes to the drink over the years, including changing its recipe in 2017 to include more cinnamon syrup.

This drink is basically just sugar and calories. If you want to enjoy your morning coffee while also gaining weight, this is the drink for you.

7. Panera Chai Tea Latte

  • Calories: 370 (per 20oz)
  • Fat: 7g
  • Sodium: 150mg
  • Carbs: 63g
  • Protein: 12g

The Panera Chai Tea Latte is a relatively new addition to the coffee shop menu, and it’s proven to be a hit with customers. The drink is made with chai tea, steamed milk, and honey and topped with whipped cream.

While this may seem like a great option for those looking for something sweet to sip on in the morning, some things make it less than ideal for those looking for a healthier option.

For starters, the drink contains about 370 calories and 7 grams of fat per serving. It also contains around 63 grams of carbs.

8. Tim Hortons Mocha Iced Capp

  • Calories: 590 (per 20oz)
  • Fat: 12g
  • Sodium: 520mg
  • Carbs: 102g
  • Protein: 20g

This is one of the most popular drinks at Tim Hortons, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. It is also one of the most unhealthy coffee drinks. THe mocha sauce is made with a lot of cream and sugar. Add that to the high amount of caffeine in coffee, and you have yourself an unhealthy drink.

“The idea behind the iced cappuccino is that it’s supposed to be more healthy because it’s made with skim milk,” says nutritionist Dr. Daryl Gioffre, who has worked with athletes at the Olympic Training Centre in Montreal. “But when you add sugar and cream to any kind of coffee, you’re going to increase your calories.”


I hope these unhealthy coffee drinks forever stay off coffee shop menus. There are much better options available at coffee shops. In the end, this list is simply a list of suggestions. I’m confident there are plenty of other lousy coffee drinks out there, too, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below if you can think of any.