The First Coffee Chain To Get Rid Of Disposable Cups

The Boston Tea Party has made its pledge to get rid of disposable coffee cups and use China mugs to serve takeaway coffee.


The government and environmentalists group around the world are looking for ways to reduce the growing volume of garbage in the world. This garbage will soon destroy the entire ecosystem if we don’t take actions on the problem.

Since the start of the year campaigns on waste management are everywhere, and one of those is the reduction in the usage of disposable cups.

Boston Tea Party an independent coffee chain in the UK, with 21 branches around England have pledged to ban the use of disposable cups forever and use china mugs for their servings.

This action of the coffee company to ditch disposable cups made a huge impact on consumers behavior. Instead of grabbing a takeaway drink and making a speedy exit, customers at Boston Tea Party (BTP) have been taking 10 minutes to sit and sip their drink.

Owner and managing director Sam Roberts described waste from disposable cups as “senseless”, and said, “Lots of coffee chains are making pledges about how they plan to tackle cup waste in the future. But there is a future which is too far away. We need to stop right now.”

Boston Tea Party UK campaign for banning disposable cups.
Boston Tea Party UK campaign for banning disposable cups. Photo from BTP FB

Though the sales are less favorable where the takeaway sales are down to 24% in one-month Mr. Roberts is still determined that this decision will be a success.

“We want to demonstrate to other operators that to make a difference, big change is needed,” he said.

“We will make this work and we’ll share details of how we’ve done it with anyone who wants our help to do the same. We dream of a future where our children marvel at the fact that pre-2018 we would regularly use a cup once and throw it away.

“The discarded cup could then take centuries to decompose. When you consider it in those terms, it really is senseless.”

BTP reusable bamboo cups
Some costumers who forget their reusable cup can buy one in store for between £4.25 and £4.75. Alternatively, they can pay a deposit on a loan cup and return it when finished.

The Supermarket giant Waitrose in the UK has already made its pledge and join in the bandwagon to stop using disposable cups, while Costa Coffee has vowed to improve on recycling.

Costumers of the BTP are already hooked up with its new policy, so people going there are already bringing their mugs. Some costumers who forget their reusable cup can buy one in store for between £4.25 and £4.75. Alternatively, they can pay a deposit on a loan cup and return it when finished.

Join the movement of #noexcuseforsingleuse

"To make a difference, big change is needed,” – Sam Roberts, Owner and managing director of Boston Tea PartyJoin the movement #noexcuseforsingleuse #reusablecupsonlyVideo created by: #coffeelovers #coffeefriends #ecofriendly #gogreen

Posted by Coffee Lovers on Friday, October 12, 2018