The Best Tools for Making Cold-Brew Coffee

Cold brew coffee

If your mornings do not get started without your daily dose of caffeine, then you are reading the right blog. Coffee lovers talking about the type of coffee they love and prefer is the best kind of discussion. Similarly, if you are friends with people who prefer cold coffee often, we have gathered a list of tools to help you make the best cold-brew coffee.

Perfectly made cold-brew coffee hits you differently! It is exquisite in taste and always gets you in the mood. Unfortunately, most cold coffee lovers give up on the idea of making cold coffee at home. This is because cold-brew coffee always tastes better at the coffee shop than the one made at home.

Quest for the Best

In the quest for testing out the best cold-brew coffee makers, there have been endless reviews about various styles of brewing cold coffee. This includes big immersion buckets to slow drip brewers or French presses, automated brewers, or even mason jars. This quest also involves testing out dozens of various cold-brew coffee blends that might strike a tasty combination.

This article attempts to enlighten all of you cold-brew coffee lovers about the best tools you can get to make that divine cup of cold coffee you all crave. So, let’s start exploring!

Best Tools to Make Cold-Brew Coffee

1.Primula Burke Deluxe Cold Brew Iced Coffee Maker

Primula Burke Deluxe Cold Brew Coffee maker should be appreciated for its short, wide but durable build quality. While most pots of brewers cannot easily fit into a standard-size fridge, this can easily fit without taking up much space. It is capable of brewing about 32 ounces of coffee in a go.

Another attractive feature of this cold-brew coffee maker is the ease of use. It is a pot-style brewer, so all you have to do is add coarse coffee grounds in the mesh holder and close it shut. Simply pour water through the mesh basket containing ground coffee and check up on it after 24 hours. Voila!

Your coffee comes out smooth and full of rich flavors. If you dread the last step of cleaning the brewer after enjoying your cup of coffee, then fret not. Cleaning up this machine is easier than you can imagine. Take off the bottom of the filter and throw away the grounds.

2. OXO Good Grips Cold Brew Coffee Maker

If you mean to bring happiness and cold-brewed coffee in your life, then this the best tool. It is highly ranked by consumers and is considered a barista’s dream machine that speaks for itself while sitting on the countertop. It is an excellent investment that you can make. The machine is based on a bucket-style immersion brewing, which allows for a wider range of experimentation.

This cold-brew maker can produce up to 32 ounces of coffee at a time with rich and robust flavors. The best part about this brewer is the addition of a “rainmaker” lid. This lets the water slowly trickle down on your coffee grounds to make them bloom. This would surely bring back some bittersweet memories from the high school chemistry class.

3. County Line Kitchen Durable Cold Brew Mason Jar Coffee Maker

This is the most conventional cold-brew coffee maker that you can get. County Line Kitchen is a small family-run business in Wisconsin. It comprises a 2-quart mason jar with a filter basket made of stainless steel to brew. Simply fill the basket with coffee grounds and pour about 64 ounces of cold water.

It would be best to leave it for a day so that the cold water slowly trickles down the grounds, resulting in a smooth but somewhat gritty cold coffee.

This Mason jar coffee maker has a steel filter that is too porous. So, it is best to use coarse grounds to avoid a gritty cup of coffee. Moreover, this cold-brew coffee maker makes enough cold brew that lasts you up to a week.

4. Coffee Gator Cold Brew Maker

While you might not find anything unique about this cold-brew coffee maker, there is one thing that makes you re-think its purchase, and that is the metal scoop and collapsible funnel. These accessories make the cold-brewing process much more convenient and tidier.

If you are like most coffee lovers and loathe the cleanup process in the end, then these accessories will change your life for good.



5. Cafe du Chateau Cold Brew Coffee Maker

When it comes to drinking the best-tasting cold brew coffee, I don’t settle for an inferior experience. And with this fantastic tool, you can bring the authentic café experience to your home. This coffee maker allows you to create a less acidic, less bitter, and more flavorful coffee without you doing any hard work. Another best thing about this cold brew coffee maker, apart from its functionality, is its build quality. It is quite impressive, thanks to its 304 stainless steel corrosion and rust-resistant housing. All in all, this coffee maker by Cafe Du Chateau makes an excellent tool and gift for those who appreciate a little decadence.

Cold Coffee for the Win

While there is no competition in having varied personal choices, cold-brew coffee lovers connect on a different level. Many people consider cold-brew coffee as simply hot coffee turned cold. However, this is so not the case. As the name suggests, the cold-brew coffee is brewed cold, and that reflects in its level of bitterness, flavor, and aroma.

I hope this list of best tools to make cold-brew coffee can help you reach the same level of taste that you get in the cafés. So, go ahead, be your own barista and brew cold coffee like a pro!