Introduction to Robusta Coffee Beans

robusta coffee beans

Talk about the next best coffee after Arabica, and the only one name that pops up in my mind is Robusta coffee. Statistically, it is the second most-produced coffee bean globally. Therefore, you can safely assert that most espressos and instant coffees you drink are made of Robusta beans.

What Are Robusta Coffee Beans?

robusta coffee

Robusta coffee beans come from a Coffee canephora plant originally found in Africa. It is also usually used as a filler in the ground coffee beans. The characteristics of Robusta reveal to have more anti-oxidant and caffeine content than the Arabica beans.

Moreover, the growth of Robusta coffee beans is growing faster as it is a fast-growing crop with fewer pest threats than the crops of Arabica coffee.

Origins of Robusta Coffee

robusta coffee beans

Robusta coffee beans originate in the central and western sub-Saharan regions of Africa. The plant of Robusta coffee beans is smooth with wavy leaves. Though the origins of Robusta coffee beans are in Africa, most of these coffee beans are produced in Vietnam.

Long before Robusta coffee started getting popular and the world became familiar with it, it was primarily contained among the African natives. Gradually, Robusta coffee beans became popular in Europe and Equatorial Africa.

Taste of Robusta Coffee

coffee beans in a person's palm

Robusta coffee beans have a powerful flavor that yields a full-bodied cup of coffee with an earthy flavor. If you are curious to explore the taste of Robusta coffee, then consider it just like Arabica but more bitter and caffeinated. Robusta coffee beans are lower in acidity and sugar content than Arabica. Hence, people love espresso to be bolder and bitter, so Robusta coffee beans are the most suitable to make different kinds of espresso coffees.

The Robusta Coffee Plant

coffee plant

Robusta beans grow in the Eastern Hemisphere as the Robusta plant can withstand a lot of sun and heat. It is a resilient plant that can survive temperatures of over 30° Celsius and needs a large amount of water as it requires to be hydrated all the time. Furthermore, this coffee plant grows in the wild and at high altitudes.

One of the main reasons Robusta coffee is rising in popularity in commercial coffee production is that the Robusta coffee plant is easy to grow. In addition, it is highly resistant to pests and insects.

When harvested for commercial purposes, this coffee plant is trimmed at about five meters in height, compared to its original height of ten meters.

The flowers of Robusta beans smell like Jasmine and change from green to a dark red color when ready. Robusta coffee flowers have to be picked by hand as they are not always all ripe at the same time. Therefore, hand-picking these coffee beans is the safest way to pick the ripe ones only.

Robusta Coffee Growing Areas

Due to the characteristics of Robusta coffee plants, these plants are usually growing in:

  1. Vietnam
  2. Brazil
  3. Indonesia
  4. India
  5. Guinea
  6. Madagascar
  7. Guatemala
  8. Philippines
  9. Thailand
  10. Malaysia
  11. Cameroon
  12. Uganda
  13. Cote Devoir

Differences between Robusta and Arabica Coffee

Robusta Coffee Arabica Coffee
Requires cross-pollination, which implies that Robusta flowers have to get pollen from another plant with different genetic makeup. Arabica coffee plant is self-pollinating.
Robusta coffee plant matures faster (takes about two years) Arabica coffee plant takes longer to mature (around four years)
Has more caffeine content (about twice as much as Arabica) Has half the caffeine content of Robusta coffee
It is more bitter, possibly because it has about 7 to 10% of CGA (chlorogenic acid), which is responsible for bitterness Arabica has less amount of CGA (about 5 to 8%), which is why it is less bitter than Robusta
Robusta coffee plant can withstand hotter temperatures and pests or insects Arabica coffee plant cannot survive in hotter climates and is more prone to pest or insect infestation
Robusta coffee plants produce more coffee per hectare Arabica produces less coffee per hectare
The beans cost less than Arabica as their plant matures faster, is cheaper to harvest, and can withstand heat. Expensive than Robusta coffee beans
They are smaller, round, and thicker Bigger and thinner than Robusta
Their plants grow in the Eastern hemisphere Arabica coffee plant grows in South America


Robusta or Arabica Coffee?

Well, nothing can change coffee lovers’ minds about their favorite coffee beans except trying out the different kinds of beans. So, if you have never tried Robusta coffee beans, which is highly unlikely because most instant coffees are made from these coffee beans, then get a bag for yourself and see the difference.

All in all, Robusta coffee makes up an earthy and smoky-flavored coffee that best kicks start your day.