How to Make French Vanilla Coffee Creamer

French vanilla coffee creamer
French vanilla coffee creamer

French vanilla coffee creamer is so popular that many people have taken the time to post their own versions of it on the internet. It’s tasty, made with healthy ingredients, and there are no artificial sweeteners or preservatives. It’s also a useful alternative if you don’t want to use full-fat milk in your coffee or espresso drinks.

Why Make Your Own Coffee Creamer?

French Vanilla Coffee Creamer

I’m a big fan of coffee, but I also love to buy different kinds of coffee creamer. And when it comes to my creamer, I’m not picky at all. I go for whatever is on sale, and I will try any flavor at least once! While I like to experiment with different flavors of coffee creamer, I always keep French Vanilla on hand.

It’s one of my favorite flavors, and it goes well with any type of coffee.

Making French Vanilla Coffee Creamer

Instead of purchasing French vanilla coffee creamer at the store, I prefer to make my own at home. Store-bought creamers may contain artificial ingredients or preservatives.

Making homemade vanilla coffee creamer is simple, involving just a few ingredients. Once the vanilla has steeped in the milk for a few hours, the flavor is unmatched to what you get from the store-bought stuff. I like to use this for more than just my coffee – it complements hot chocolate, lattes, and even milkshakes!


  • Sweetened condensed milk
  • Vanilla pods (sliced in half and the seeds removed)
  • Vanilla extract
  • Milk (of your choice)

Bonus Tip: To make a cup of fat-free French vanilla coffee creamer, opt for fat-free sweetened condensed milk and fat-free milk.


  • Grab a medium-size saucepan and put it on medium-low heat. Whisk together the milk of your choice, condensed milk, vanilla pod, and seeds.
  • When the mixture starts to simmer, remove it from the heat and add the vanilla extract.
  • Let the mixture cool down for a bit. Once your freshly made vanilla coffee creamer cools, cover store it in a refrigerator in an airtight container/jar. The creamer will remain fresh for a week.

Other Uses of Coffee Creamer

French Vanilla Coffee Creamer

1. Add to Hot Chocolate

For a seasonal variation on hot chocolate, you can use French vanilla coffee creamer to flavor the drink. Add a tablespoon or two once the cup is mixed, and taste until you’re satisfied with the flavor.

2. Add to Mashed Potatoes

Want to give your mashed potatoes extra creaminess? Add one-half to one cup of non-dairy coffee creamer instead of milk. This will work for those with dairy allergies since wide varieties of refrigerated creamer are lactose-free.

3. Mix into Hot Cereals

The morning is a great time to start a day with a delicious and nutritious breakfast. You can add extra flavor and variety to your morning bowl of cereal by mixing in French vanilla coffee creamer. Or you can add it to hot oatmeal instead of sugar and sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup.

However, add less liquid to the cereal when using creamers—they will serve as the liquid instead of whole milk or water.

4. Use in Tea

If you’re a hot tea drinker, splashing in a little coffee creamer can give your cup of tea an extra boost of flavor. Nutty flavors like hazelnut and pecan are especially appropriate for black tea, while the lighter taste of caramel is good for orange tea.

5. Put it in Waffle or Pancake Batter

Add a few teaspoons or a half cup of your coffee creamer in place of the liquid called for in your waffle or pancake batter. The scent in your kitchen will be wonderful while you cook, and the taste will be just amazing!


That’s it! You have a coffee creamer that you made from scratch. Serve this homemade French vanilla coffee creamer in your home or office. You can use it for your hot or cold brewed coffee, as well as for your lattes and frappes.