How Coffee Shops are Taking Coronavirus Precautions


With the new fears of the Coronavirus spreading around the world, most people are taking extra precautions – including many big chain coffee shops. This is great news since most of us still need and want to go on with our daily lives and enjoy our favorite coffee. The measures that they are taking will not only help to protect customers but the employees as well and set minds at ease knowing that action is being taken. So here is what a few popular coffee shops have decided to do to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.


Being one of the most popular coffee shops on the planet, Starbucks is taking many precautions to protect both its customers and employees from the dreaded virus. They have decided to temporarily stop the use of reusable cups and dishware in all their locations across the US and Canada. They will, however, still provide the 10% discount for customers who bring in their cups or request reusable dishes. Starbucks has also stated that they will be adding paid time to employees to increase cleaning and sanitizing to further prevent the spread of germs. They have also canceled any business-related air travel until the end of March.

Tim Hortons

Another favorite coffee chain (especially in Canada) has also stated that they will be taking steps in order to help contain the Coronavirus. Tim Hortons also will be putting a pause on the use of reusable cups to prevent the spread of germs. They have also decided to not put out the Roll up the Rim cups this year due to concerns of employees having to handle parts of the cup that have been in customers’ mouths. Not to worry though, the prizes will still be available to win digitally through the app.

The Second Cup

The use of reusable cups has also been temporarily stopped at this popular shop but they will still honor a 20-cent discount to customers who bring one in. Unlike Starbucks though, The Second Cup will still serve in-store drinks in ceramic mugs since they are being washed in high-pressure sanitizers. They are, however, making sure employees are washing their hands before and after unloading the dishes and are increasing cleaning and sanitizing their cafes throughout the day.

Dunkin’ Donuts

This very popular American chain is also doing its part in preventing the spread of the Coronavirus. They, along with most other coffee shops, are putting a pause on the use of reusable cups and increasing the number of times a location is cleaned in a day. Dunkin’ Donuts has also started installing hand sanitizer stations at their doors and has canceled business travel and unnecessary meetings. They have been holding virtual meetings with employees to go over the best way to keep themselves and the shops sanitary.

Hopefully learning about some of the preventative measures being put through by your favorite coffee shops will help to ease your fears of the Coronavirus. Just don’t forget to do your part as well by regularly washing your hands and staying home if you are feeling sick to prevent spreading it around. Stay healthy everyone.