Why We Need Coffee Makers?


In today’s world, instant coffee is now becoming more popular and available in the market, plus they are much cheaper than the coffee beans. Coffee drinkers nowadays prefer these types of coffee because it doesn’t need a lot of work, in just a second they can create an instant coffee that is ready to drink. All you need to make your coffee is a cup to put the ingredient, boiling water and your sachet of instant coffee, mix them all together and you have now an instant cup of coffee.

Seems like many people doesn’t understand the enjoyment and the goodness that they can get if they make their coffee properly. Instant coffee is cheap and easy to do, but this is like wasting your time and money because you are not gaining anything from it. If you are a coffee lover or just a coffee drinker, step out from your comfort zone and do your daily cup of coffee on a quality coffee maker.

Why we need coffeemakers?because coffee makers can make your coffee go round, meaning it will make a more flavorsome cup of coffee that you will surely enjoy. Coffee makers are your best friend in making different coffee variations, whether you like cappuccino, cafe mocha, lattes or, espresso all you need is a quality coffee maker to create this flavorsome variation of coffees.

When it comes to shopping for your coffeemakers, it doesn’t mean you are required to buy the most expensive or the cheapest among all the brands. There are many types of coffee makers, serving one purpose – to create a quality cup of coffee – all of them requires a boiling hot water and a ground coffee, mix the two together and filter out the grinds.

There are no rules when buying a quality coffee maker, in general, the more you seek for convenience the more expensive the coffeemaker will be. But when it comes to the quality of the brew produces, there is no difference to its added cost. Today a lot of companies are producing different types of coffee makers that will fit your style and budget.

Here are some list of coffeemakers you might be interested in investing;

Drip Brewers

This is a typical type of coffeemaker, almost all of the kitchen households and offices have this kind of coffee machine. This is very easy to operate, just put your coffee grounds on its coffee filter, fill the reservoir with fresh water, press the brewer button on and wait for a minute until the glass carafe are filled with coffee. As long as you have a quality model, quality coffee beans, and a fresh water, ones mixed all together to your drip brewer, expect now to create a good cup of coffee.

Drip brewers have disadvantages too, ones you poured yourself a cup of coffee an hour or more after brewing to the drip don’t expect to still have the taste of fresh coffee, this will taste bitter and awful. This is because the glass carafe is placed on a hotplate – this keeps the temperature of the coffee last longer – and soon this will make an inconvenience to the quality of your coffee because the heat from the hotplate will continue to cook the coffee grinds. That is why if you are making a coffee to your drip brewer be sure to make just the right amount of coffee for you and if you want more coffee just create a new brew of grinds to make a fresh cup of coffee.

French Press

This is also known as press pot or coffee press. This is a classic style of a coffeemaker, but if you want to make the best and most flavorsome coffee you should try investing in this one. This type of coffee maker is a glass beaker with vertical sides and plunger, and with a mesh filter on it. In making your coffee, just pour the coffee grounds and hot water inside the beaker, placed the lid on and press the plunger on top wait for about 4 minutes to enjoy your wonderful cup of rich taste coffee.

Today there are a lot of new models, modern twist of French press coffeemakers, You can find them at your local coffee merchants, supermarket or you can even order it online or on Amazon.

Single Cup Coffee Brewers

When you want convenience then you should get this coffeemaker, This is a modern style coffee machine, that needs only fresh water, coffee disc, k-cup coffee, or pods coffee. This is a hot deal in the market, they sell its coffee disc separately with a small selection of flavors to choose from. Plus this is very easy to navigate, no mess, no need to grind coffee, and no cleaning up. If you are always in a hurry and want a quick and easy ready to go good cup of coffee then this is a good coffee maker for you.

There are two disadvantages of this single cup coffee brewers

  1. There is limited selection of coffee flavors, unlike when you grind your own coffee beans you can have hundred of choices that you can get from your local coffee shops, grocery store and online shops.
  2. Second, this is much expensive, each cup of coffee will cost you more. Unlike when you grind your own coffee beans, it is more economical because it will last you much longer. K-cups coffee pods coffee, and disc coffee you can only use them ones.

I hope this helps you in making up your mind in which type of coffee maker to invest? If you asked what coffee maker I do prefer to invest? I go for French Press coffeemaker because I like the taste of a classic coffee, richer and more flavorsome in taste.