Top 10 Tips for Overcoming Coffee Addiction

A person drinking coffee

Drinking coffee has become an addiction for many people nowadays, including me. Most people view coffee drinking as one of the few socially acceptable addictions, but they fail to address the side effects of drinking too much coffee.

According to WebMD findings and numerous other studies, consuming coffee with caffeine can lead to restlessness, stomach ache, nausea, frequent headaches, anxiety, agitation, and even irregular heartbeat.

As a regular caffeine consumer beating the coffee addiction might not be easy as it seems. It is pretty challenging to kick the habit, especially if you are addicted to it. Even I sometimes find it challenging to start my day without caffeine.

I have been consuming coffee since I was 15 years old and still somehow have managed to lower the amount of caffeine intake. The main idea behind quitting is that you have to start dealing with your cravings more productively and differently and find a better replacement; otherwise, it will be hard to stop.

Here, I have compiled the different strategies that I think works to cut back on coffee addiction. You can take a look at them and try them yourself to see the results.

Best Tips For Overcoming Coffee Addiction

1. Have the Right Mindset

If you are only thinking about quitting caffeine, the task ahead of you might seem challenging. If you are a coffee addict like I was, you probably have tried to overcome this addiction in the past but failed. Always remember that it is possible to overcome your addiction as many people do it daily. Mind over matter is the most critical factor in your mission to overcome coffee addiction.

The most critical thing to keep in mind here is your ultimate goal and that you have to achieve it, no matter what it costs. Only then will you have a chance of controlling yourself and curbing your cravings.

2. Avoid Quitting Cold Turkey

A popular technique that most people try is quitting coffee all at once, which may not be the best method since it can cause withdrawal symptoms like frequent headaches, but I assure you it’s worth it. Among the side effects of consuming too much coffee include anxiety, restless insomnia, ringing ears, etc. All of which are terrible signs of health issues.

Moreover, I’ve found that it can also put you at risk of consuming even more coffee. That is why I recommend that you should try to cut down on your coffee intake gradually and limit your cups over time. It is one of the best ways to overcome your coffee addiction slowly.

3. Limiting Your Coffee Intake

For example, if you drink five cups of coffee in a day and then start by cutting it down to four. Once you get used to it, try to limit yourself to four cups of coffee in a day and then to three, two, and one. I like this strategy of cutting back on coffee as it doesn’t affect your system too much. Hence you will have to face less uncomfortable caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

4. Make a Light Cup of Coffee

coffee addiction light coffee

Nothing can beat a nice cup of strong coffee in the morning in terms of the sweet flavor and the energy it gives. However, if you are looking for a way to cut back on coffee, the best thing you can do is to use less coffee while preparing your cup.

For example, if you use three tablespoons of coffee per cup, try using two tablespoons and gradually reduce them from there. As your coffee gets lighter, you can still maintain a certain level of flavor by using high-quality coffee beans.

5. Stop Buying Coffee For Home

Another great thing that you can try is to stop getting coffee for your home in the first place. Doing this will automatically prevent you from drinking a good amount of coffee and help overcome your addiction over time.

Also, I’ve found that you should drink coffee occasionally when you are at an event or outside with friends. The plus point of doing that is that you will appreciate the cup of coffee that you occasionally drink much more than when you consume it regularly at your own time.

6. Find an Alternative

A cup of coffee in the morning is like a ritual for many people, as there is nothing more comforting than sipping a cup of hot coffee in the morning. Here’s what you can do to curb your coffee addiction: either incorporate fresh fruit juice or tea as an alternative.

I have been using a technique that has helped curb my coffee cravings; making a cup of black tea with two tea bags every day. Once I am done steeping the tea, I add two spoons of sugar and some milk. The sugar and tea help a lot in easing the acidity, making it taste delicious and sweet. Furthermore, it satisfies my caffeine cravings easily.

7. Dealing with Withdrawals

coffee addiction withdrawals

When quitting your daily coffee intake, I’ve found that you will encounter withdrawals, such as headaches and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms start 12 to 24 hours after the last caffeine intake and last for a few days, but they’ll eventually go away.

While these symptoms may seem severe and torturous, they will pass. You should keep track of the things like when you start to feel a headache and when it ends. This will help you recognize that these symptoms are temporary and will prevent you from reaching for a cup of coffee.

8. Physical Exercises

coffee addiction exercising

Most psychologists recommend that if you have a caffeine addiction, you should exercise regularly, as it releases adrenaline just like your fresh brew of coffee does. I also did some physical exercises like ten push-ups and a 15-minute long run to combat the withdrawals, and surprisingly it helps. If you cannot work out daily, you should try to work out on the weekends as much as you can.

9. Breathing Exercises

I used to feel pretty wounded and cranky when I didn’t get my daily dose of caffeine, so I tried deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises, which helped me out a lot. I’d also suggest that you try muscle relaxation exercises that use the mind-body connection by tensing and relaxing different body parts while keeping your mind calm and at peace.

10. Keep Yourself Busy

You can also practice mindfulness which is about being aware of the present moment and letting the environment that you are in anchor you. You can also practice and try activities like coloring, making art, or anything that requires your focus and energy and pulls you into the present moment rather than making you think about your cravings, stress, anxiety, and worries.

Overcoming Coffee Addiction – Self Discipline is The Key!

Curbing and quitting your coffee addiction might sound like a difficult thing to do at first but trust me, it is worth it in the long run. You might experience uneasiness, cravings, and withdrawal symptoms at first, but that is part of the journey. If you’re serious about overcoming your coffee addiction, you should try your best to do all the things I mentioned above. It might take some time but don’t give up; that’s what I did too.