The Rapid Change of Coffee Industry


Nowadays millennials set the trend on what’s hot and not. That is why many entrepreneurs are relying their business based on the millennial trend. As well with the coffee chains where millennials are the primary reason for the sky-rocketing market of the coffee industry.

As the millennials, fast-paced lifestyle is becoming ubiquitous, many were prefer to get caffeine on the go. That is why coffee industry nowadays is experimenting ways on how to speed up production to meet consumers demand and get shoppers back in their stores.

Here are coffee trends that will dominate the coffee industry this 2017.

1. The Coffee On The Go

With today’s fast changing world there is no doubt that nowadays we need everything to be convenient in the palm of our hands, this also means that people want their coffee ready as much as possible. According to Bloomberg’s report “In this environment, the canned and bottled ready-to-drink coffee market reached $2.4 billion in 2015 and has only continued to climb.”

One big reason why ready-to-drink coffee will take of this 2017, is because with the falling popularity of soft drinks in the United States. According to Karen Bundy, V.P. of Food & Beverage Marketing at Multi-sponsor Surveys in a press release. “It is probably not a coincidence that canned or bottled ready-to-drink cold coffee is catching on at a time when fewer are drinking carbonated soft drinks, including the caffeinated colas,”

Because of this, some of the big players in the coffee industry jumps in joining the bandwagon of the ready-to-drink coffee arena.

2. The Cold Brew Madness

It’s not a secret that cold coffee drinks are the next big thing in the coffee industry, but we must know that there is a difference between iced cold coffee and cold brew coffee. Iced coffee is a traditional way of making cold coffee drinks, brewed just like standard hot coffee – it uses heat to extract flavor, sugar, oils and caffeine from the coffee beans.
Then, that coffee is chilled and served over ice. The cold-brewing process uses time, rather than heat – soaking beans in water for 12 hours or more in order to turn water into coffee.

Iced coffee has been the go-to summer pick me up coffee drinks over the past years, but today everything is starting to change. With today’s generation, more people are engaging themselves to cold brew coffee rather than the traditional iced cold coffee drink.

3. A Morning Cup of Nitro Coffee

Nowadays coffee lovers prefer a unique taste of coffee that is why companies are constantly changing their game in serving coffee. Today people wants their coffee ready-to-drink making it easier for consumers get their caffeine fix on-the-go. Nitro coffee is another big hit in the coffee industry this 2017 coffee lover loves the uniqueness it gives similar to the mouth feels like beer.

Why people loves a nitro coffee?well, the secret of nitrogen coffee is its foamy and creamy texture it provides brewers to have less sugar and milk to cut coffee’s bitter taste, which is appealing to the more health conscious. Plus, the texture is incredibly difficult to replicate in an RTD format, giving coffee shops something to offer with millennial consumers looking for unique drinking experiences.

4. Recognizing more specialty coffee

With today’s millennial consumers, shoppers prefer quality over price, that is why gourmet coffee is on the rise. According to a report, “Out of the $48 billion U.S. retail coffee market, about 55% of spend will go toward specialty coffee next year”, the Specialty Coffee Assoc. of America found. Coffee shops today are fast evolving and opening up their line of luxury coffee shops this 2017.

5. Millennials is the new measure of value

We can’t deny that millennials are the trendsetter in today’s generation, that’s why business value them because they serve as the lifeblood of coffee companies. As of last spring, Millennials have unseated Baby Boomers as the largest living generation, according to U.S. Census data. Young generation nowadays is connected in the world with the use of technology, where everything needs to be shared in social media. As a result, coffee consumption has moved from the privacy of consumers’ homes to a more public venue.

With that in mind, millennials have come to value different aspects of their coffee than the older generations. In addition, millennials are more focused on experience than price.