The Interesting Combination of Orange Juice and Coffee

orange juice and coffee

The combination of orange juice and coffee is a favorite of many people, but it’s not something you see all that often.

The reason for this is that orange juice and coffee are both acidic, and if you mix them together, they will actually cause the pH levels in your body to drop.

If you’re looking for an interesting way to get some extra vitamins into your diet without having to take supplements or eat vegetables, then this is definitely worth a try!

However, if you take it easy on this combination and only drink it every now and then, then there shouldn’t be any problems at all.

Here are some interesting facts about this combination:

Orange juice contains many vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, and Vitamin B2. These vitamins help you get rid of tiredness and fatigue, improve your immune system and enhance your body metabolism.

Coffee contains caffeine that can stimulate your central nervous system and make you feel energized. It also helps increase your heart rate and blood pressure temporarily. This makes it easier for your heart to pump blood throughout your body. Thus, this could be why an orange juice-coffee combo gives you an energy boost in the morning.

Orange juice has anti-cancer properties that can help protect against certain types of cancer. It contains antioxidants that help fight free radicals that can cause cancer. These antioxidants also help prevent cell damage from other sources such as pollution, cigarette smoke, and stress.

The addition of orange juice gives this drink a nice golden hue that makes it look really pretty when served over ice in an old-fashioned glass or mug. It almost looks like something you’d be served at one of those fancy French cafés!

How to Make Coffee and Orange Juice

Orange juice and coffee 2


  • 1 cup of strongly brewed coffee or espresso (about 2 ounces)
  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice (about 6 ounces)
  • Plenty of ice


There’s no mystery to this concoction. You simply pour some orange juice over ice, then add in some brewed coffee or espresso. And you are done!

The coffee will likely initially float on top of the orange juice, but eventually, it will start mingling with it.

Lastly, you can also add a slice of lemon as a garnish. Now, it is time you take a sip of this unique blend!

Together, espresso and orange juice make a complex cup of Joe. It’s a little bitter, but then there’s that sweet orange burst to keep things interesting. It’s the flavor equivalent of fireworks.


orange juice with coffee

Can I Add Cream to Orange Juice and Coffee?

The answer is yes! You can add cream to your orange juice and coffee, but there are some things you need to know first.

The first thing you should know is that adding cream to your orange juice and coffee is not recommended by nutritionists. They do not think it is healthy for the body because it contains a lot of calories. That said, if you want to try it out for yourself, go ahead.

The second thing you should know is that adding cream to your orange juice and coffee will change the flavor of both drinks. Now, this is something that might be good or bad, depending on what type of drinker you are.

If you like strong flavors, this may benefit you; however, if you prefer light-flavored drinks, this might not be favorable for you at all.

Caution: The drink may curdle a bit and won’t look very pretty. Therefore, keep both items very cold to prevent the curdling of your orange juice and cream.

Will Drinking It Upset My Stomach?

Everyone knows that coffee and orange juice can be a dangerous mix. Everyone knows this because coffee and orange juice are both acidic, which seems kind of dangerous.

Lots of people all over the world start their day with coffee followed by orange juice—and it turns out it is pretty much the same thing.

While it can be argued that the acids in orange juice and coffee are not a good mix for sensitive stomachs, if you have no problem drinking them separately, then chances are your stomach will be fine with them mixed.

What if I find this Combination Not too Strong?

If you love coffee and don’t like diluting its flavor, feel free to adjust the proportions of this recipe. I like my coffee with half OJ and half coffee. You can also make an iced coffee and just add in a splash of juice. There are no rules!


Few people think of orange juice and coffee in the same way, one being a symbol of cool refreshment and the other being a symbol of hardcore energy. However, this blog is here to tell you that these two beverages go surprisingly well together, so have no fear if you ever feel the urge to try something new.