coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffee

coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffee

When it comes to our daily cup of coffee, we are following the same rituals which are: wake up and grab a cup of coffee. But in every country coffee rituals diverts on the preparation and sometimes its ingredients.

Here’s an interesting coffee facts of how it was drunk in different countries.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeTürk Kahvesi is a traditional aromatic coffee drink in Turkey that is roasted and finely ground coffee beans and usually simmered in a copper or brass pot called a cezve. Turkish coffee is a drink of friendship that often offered whenever you go in Turkey. When you visit a family or friends , while waiting in the bank, or in hairdressers they traditionally offered you this coffee drink. Türk Kahvesi is a delicious frothy drink that is prepared and served unfiltered.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeMalaysia has a fast growing economy and one of the best destinations to travel in Asia. Yuanyang is a popular coffee drink In Malaysia combining tea and coffee. This coffee drink has powerful ingredients which are: three parts black coffee, seven parts Hong Kong-style milk tea, a mix of black tea and milk that usually served in hot or cold. The mixture sounds heavenly so, if you think chai latte is the best tea and coffee combination you’ve ever taste, then you better think twice and visit Malaysia to try their Yuanyang coffee.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeSantorini Greece is one of my dreamscape places I wish to visit. I want to see their beautiful sceneries and soak under the sun with their beautiful beaches, but most of all I want to try their famous frappe coffee which is a popular beverage every summer. In 1957 Nescafe invented frappe coffee and making it popularized across the globe for over the years. Frappe in Greece has simple ingredients consist of iced coffee and drowned in milk foam. Frappe is a popular drink in summer because it is a delicious coffee treat that beats the summer heat.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeItaly is the land of pasta and great beverages, one of their best coffee to try when visiting Italy are their Espresso Romano. This coffee drink is not your typical kind of espresso you drink every morning. Espresso Romano comes with a slice of lemon, which is a real kicker that brings out the java’s sweet flavor of a real Italian espresso.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeWhen they say Mexico, I think about the beautiful beach of Cabo and their delicious coffee drink called Café de Olla – this is a traditional beverage in Mexico. Café de Olla is simmer in cinnamon stick, uses unrefined cane sugar called piloncillo, and served in clay mug which locals believe it brings out the flavors.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeCafé Cubano is a popular drink in Cuba – this coffee is an espresso drink that is strong and serves in small cups, commonly prepared to brew the coffee and sugar together.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeMorroco is a place to go and taste different kinds of spices to your coffee. Spiced coffee is Morocco’s specialty they specialized in creating a dark roast coffee together with warm spices like cardamom, black pepper, cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeFrance trip wouldn’t be complete without trying their famous Café au lait – this is a very popular drink in France. French culture loves to take their morning cup of coffee with equal parts steamed milk and freshly brewed coffee. The trick in enjoying more Café au lait is to serve in a big mug to make easy croissant dipping.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeIrish coffee is over the top when it comes in coffee mixtures. Ireland coffee is referred to be a cocktail-coffee hybrid consist of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, sugar and topped with a thick cream.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeIf you prefer a sweeter side of coffee, then you better visit Spain. Cafe Bombon is a popular drink in Spain, that is intensely thick and sugary, with an equal amount of condensed milk stirred into black coffee. Cafe Bombon is sure to please to those coffee lovers who prefer a sweeter taste of coffee.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeAside from caipirinha, cafezinho is by far the most popular drink for locals in Brazil. Cafezinho is similar with espresso but it is pre-sweetened and brewed straight with sugar.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeCà phê đá is a refreshing iced coffee from Vietnam that is sweet and strong. This Vietnamese beverage is made with coarsely ground dark roast coffee, brewed straight into a cup of condensed milk and ice through a French drip filter.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeHave you heard a coffee and cheese together? At first, I cannot imagine what would be the taste of this unusual coffee combination. But in Finland, they have a unique coffee drink called Kaffeost. This coffee drink is a hot coffee poured over chunks of cheese curds called juustoleipä, while this may sound unappealing Finnish people adore this strange coffee combo.

There are so much more to know about the coffee culture around the world these are just a few of them and the rest are still yet to unveil.