The New Starbucks Coffee Creamers.

    The new Starbucks coffee creamers 2019
    Photo credit: Starbucks

    What’s with the new Starbucks coffee creamer that people are discussing? Is there some magical coffee forces on the creamer that make every cup of coffee into perfection? What is the difference in the Starbucks creamer to other brands and other coffee creamers like almond milk or the oat milk? These questions struck our brains if there is something innovative on the new line of Starbucks, which are their new coffee creamers.

    The big coffee chain makes headlines when they announce that they are going to have a new line of products, which are the Starbucks Coffee Creamers. The announcement seems it is not somewhat new to the public, but honestly, with all the years Starbucks dominating the world with all their coffee chains, and big roasteries this is the first time they are bringing their twist of coffee creamers which will be available next month in August. So expect that your local groceries will be stock up with the new creamers that are available in three flavors.

    Photo credit: Starbucks

    Yeah, Starbucks did not go crazy with their flavors this time it is surprising they only limit it on three variables which are the caramel, white chocolate, and cinnamon dolce coffee creamers. With these three classic flavors and beloved drinks, in Starbucks, coffee lovers can now easily recreate their favorite Starbucks drink in their home.

    The Caramel Creamer is inspired by the Starbucks Caramel Macchiato, which is a favorite by many. Consumers who have tried this flavor said that the taste has the right sweetness with buttery caramel, and hints of vanilla, hmm sounds yummy!

    The White Chocolate Creamer is inspired by the seasonal red cup White Chocolate Mocha that is also a favorite drink of many during the holiday season.

    Lastly, is the Cinnamon Dolce Creamer inspired by the Starbucks Cinnamon Dulce Latte which gives a strong note of cinnamon, and maybe the less sweet among the three coffee creamers?

    So mark now your calendars coffee lovers because these creamers will roll out in stores this August, and might be the same time for the return of Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season. Follow us on Facebook for the future updates of the holiday coffee blends.