Most Instagrammable Coffee In A Cone

Coffee in a cone

When it comes to social media, there is no stopping everyone because you can make anything popular in just one click overnight. So, when you are thinking of an instant fame post something wild and crazy in social media, and I’m sure you will go viral in no time.

Just like in the world of coffee, how did everyone know that there is a new coffee craze in town? The answer is the social media. Social media today is important in making a product popular in the market. With today’s internet era, a business can boom like a wildfire just by spreading the news on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

While everyone is having their usual cup of Joe that is not new in the social media, a Canadian chain Balzac’s Coffee Roasters debuting the “most Instagrammable coffee in the world.”

Yes, you heard it right “most Instagrammable coffee in the world.” Sounds intriguing? The Balzac’s Coffee Roasters have created the greatest food mashup which is coffee in a cone.

This coffee in a cone is a part of the new generation snack and drinks made not just taste, texture, and mouth-watering appearance but shareability.

What makes this coffee in a cone unique was all the ingredients used to create this Instagrammable coffee came from South Africa where coffee grows.

A coffee drink in a purpose-built waffle cone — is the brainchild of 30-year-old South African entrepreneur Dayne Levinrad.

Dayne Levinrad was inspired to do this idea because of the perennial success of food mash-ups like the cronut.

“I wanted . . . to play on nostalgia and childhood,” he said. “It becomes quite a decadent experience because the (melting) chocolate mixes into the drink.”

After a great deal of trial and error, Levinrad landed on a blend of four different chocolates to coat the inside of the cone and prevent leaks.

The beverage has to be slurped up within 10 minutes before the cone melts down, and make sure to hold it at a 45-degree angle, otherwise, the drink will pour out over your wrist and onto the floor.

You can put any creamy hot drink in the cone such as a latte, cappuccino, matcha or hot chocolate. The only exception is pouring a plain hot drip coffee because it melts the chocolate a little too fast.

Coffee in a cone was born last year at the Grind, Levinrad’s Johannesburg café. Shortly after its launch, it caught the eye of Aviv Weil at the African chapter of Creative Shop, Facebook’s small business support program.

With Weil’s help, it became a social media sensation. Interest in the drink — 50 million total online impressions, across all platforms, according to Levinrad — has far outpaced its availability.

Levinrad loves that the product already has fans all over the world, “even if they haven’t yet gotten the chance to try it for themselves.

Want to know more about the coffee in a cone? visit
