Maple Cinnamon Latte Recipe – Coffee Weekend Treat

Maple Cinnamon Latte Fall coffee Recipe
Maple Cinnamon Latte Photo credits to Port and Fin

Hoorah!the weekend is here finally we can snuggle more to our bed, and create a delicious weekend coffee treat.

Autumn is the start of spice season, that is why we love it! Because we can make the yummiest treat and comforting coffee drinks this season.

Oh, we love caramels because of its lovely flavor that blends into almost anything that is why for today’s weekend coffee treat we will make something sweet, cinnamony, and a bit salty.

Let’s Start Making!

Maple Cinnamon Latte Recipe
Maple Cinnamon Latte Photo credits to Port and Fin

Maple Cinnamon Latte Recipe

This delicious coffee recipe is from Port and Fin


  • ¾ cup milk*
  • ½ cup coffee (brewed as strong as you like)
  • 1 – 11/2 Tbsp maple syrup
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon, plus more for garnish
  • Cinnamon stick, for garnish (optional)


  1. Pour milk into a medium-sized mason jar and screw on the lid. Shake for 10-15 seconds until foam starts to form at the top. Remove lid and microwave jar for about 45 seconds or until milk is hot to the touch and foamy. Keep an eye on the milk as you microwave to keep it from bubbling.
  2. Pour hot coffee into a mug and stir in the maple syrup and cinnamon. Top with milk, spooning the foam onto the top. Sprinkle with cinnamon and serve with a cinnamon stick, if desired.

Enjoy this delicious weekend coffee treat coffee lovers, and have a great weekend.