Is Coffee Safe For Pregnant Women?

a cup of coffee in a red mug

Coffee is a beverage that is hard to resist that is why even pregnant mamas still keep their love, devotion, and urgency to their morning, Joe. But this well-loved beverage is it safe to drink while you’re pregnant?

There’s a lot of speculation whether it is good or bad to drink coffee during pregnancy so before your next cuppa java let’s take a look on the researches about caffeine and coffee while pregnant.

According to the American College of obstetrician and Gynecologists, you can drink coffee but limit your caffeine consumption to fewer than 200 milligrams (mg) per day.

Going over to that required amount is dangerous for your baby. Some studies have linked drinking more than 200 mg of caffeine a day with an increased risk of miscarriage and low birth weight. And drinking large amounts of caffeine (eight cups of coffee or more a day) has been linked with stillbirth. However, it is not yet proven the effects of caffeine on pregnant women, and it needs further studies to confirm these links, but it’s better to be watchful on the side effects of caffeine when you’re pregnant.

Always keep in mind that caffeine is a drug that crosses the placenta, and can interfere with the blood circulation, and limits the blood flow to the placenta, as well as increase blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It also puts additional strain on the liver, which is already busy processing the increased hormonal demands related to pregnancy.

Also be aware that caffeine varies on your cup of coffee, and the type of coffee, and how it was brewed. “The coffee at a restaurant or coffee shop, for example, can range from about 100 mg for a small (8-ounce) cup to over 400 mg for a large (16-ounce) cup, depending on the brand and the brew.”

Same goes for decaffeinated coffee because it doesn’t mean it is caffeine-free. A 16-ounce cup of brewed decaffeinated coffee typically contains about 12 to 25 mg of caffeine.

Coffee while pregnant is a personal decision, based on your instinct, experience, and base on your discussion with your healthcare provider.

Of course, you really can’t live without your cuppa java. stick to the 200mg amount of caffeine intake per day, and instead of your regular americano or black coffee you might want to switch on a latte (about 75 mg of caffeine). From the milk in a latte you’ll get a little extra calcium and protein – nutrients you need during pregnancy anyway.

Source babycenter