Five Unique Things About Starbucks China

Starbucks Coffee China

Have you ever wonder why there has been a rapid growth of coffee lovers in China? Why are most of the Chinese people switching their cup of tea over a cup of coffee?

Well, Chinese people do still love their tea’s even coffee is becoming a trend in their country, that is why the big giant coffee shops like Starbucks do their business differently in China because they still need to incorporate the Chinese culture in their coffee.

“It might seem risky for a coffee company to expand so aggressively in a culture of tea-drinkers. But Starbucks has altered its stores and products to adapt to local tastes and the strategy appears to be working.”

Starbucks China is booming it is one of the Starbucks fastest growing chains in Asia because of they the business differently in China.

Here are the reasons behind the fast growing Starbucks chains in China.

1. The stores are bigger with more seating space.

“Unlike Americans, who can’t cope without a morning cup of joe, most Chinese customers don’t just grab and go,” writes Violet Law in the Global Post. “Instead, coffee shops here are a destination. People sit back and chat with friends and family. Some come to meet with clients or do business.”

2. Starbucks stores in China offer a menu of Chinese teas and treats like mooncakes. But one of the best-selling item in the region right now is actually a Strawberry Cheesecake Frappuccino, which is topped with a cream cheese whipped cream, graham cracker crumbles, and strawberry syrup.

3. The food is labeled with the country where it was imported from to address Chinese consumers’ concerns about food safety.

Consumers need to feel secure when buying food and beverages in China because of the rampant activity which is happening today where fake food and beverages are being produced, big companies like Starbucks need to be very cautious and label their products to where it was imported from for the consumer’s safety.

4. Starbucks management makes an effort to get to know employees’ families. “Starbucks has … factored in family dynamics and expectations in China, where success can be judged by the title on one’s business card,” the company said in a statement. “Family forums have been held for parents of store partners to hear managers discuss gratifying career paths at Starbucks.”

5. The coffee is more expensive.

Starbucks charges up to 20% more for its coffee products in China compared to other markets. People seems like doesn’t care about it because they go to Starbucks to enjoy a great cup of coffee and enjoy the ambiance.

While most Starbucks stores in the U.S. are hectic and bustling, Chinese consumers seek out Starbucks to “nurse their drinks and lose themselves in their laptops… enjoying tranquility that’s usually elusive in teeming China,” Law writes.

Source: Business Insider