Coffee with a Cloud of Cotton Candy

coffee with floating cotton candy
Photo Ctto @meeiyann IG

When you got a unique concept in your business, rest assured that you get known in the world in no time. Whether you are in the far-flung neighborhood, or at the cubbyhole of somewhere, if you have a quirky idea, you must show it and, flaunt it to the world. Like the new craze, the coffee with a cloud of “cotton candy,” is buzzing the internet today.

The cotton candy coffee went viral when costumers started sharing their photos online. The different look of the coffee is what makes people curious about it. There is a reason why this cotton candy became an internet sensation it is not because of how it tastes but the magical beauty of it which make the sentiments going online.

In today’s new era of business where business owners need to have a strong social media influence, the aesthetic factor needs to be more appealing to catch attention.

This coffee with cotton candy on top is known as “Sweet Little Rain,” and who does not get fascinated with the look of it? Sweet Little Rain is a signature coffee of Mellower Coffee, in, Shanghai China. The coffee is served on a large wooden dish, with a vase of flower, a big cup of Americano that comes with floating cloud-like cotton which is attached to a skewer.

What is behind the coffee with floating cotton candy concept?

The floating cotton candy is not only for a show, but the concept behind the fad is the steam emanating from the coffee slowly breaks down the cloud of cotton candy creating a rain of sugar, which gives a tantalizing mood of the coffee. So, instead of adding sugar directly to the Americano, Mellower Coffee formulates a unique concept of dripping sugar from the cotton candy.

“This coffee is served with a cloud of “cotton candy”, the coffee vapor rises to dissolve the “cotton candy” and the cloud begins to rain with sugar over the coffee. Coffee “mellow” in Shanghai, China.” – Reddit

The concept is gram worthy, and it is indeed dreamy, however, it seems a little bit messy. Due to the huge bale of floating cotton candy not all of it was able to flawlessly melts down directly to the cup of coffee, some of it can scatter around the cup making a sticky mess which creates a not so fabulous experience. However, despite the surreal experience, some costumers were not happy with the experience because it takes too long the cotton ball to meltdown, and sweetens the coffee. If you prefer a sweet coffee, you may not like the experience, but if you are fun of coffee with no sugar, then this is definitely worth your experience.

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The Sweet Little Rain is not for all, especially if you are looking for quality and flavor. However, if you are up for some adventure, that you can share on your social media, this is worth the hype.

A customer comment that was posted on Reddit, “I guess this pretty true to the spirit of food porn: it’s unrealistic, impractical, but it’s a fun fantasy and at least looks really good.” – BLITZCRUNK123

Not only the Sweet Little Rain the Mellower Coffee has, but they also offer specialty coffee blends, and roast on site their coffee beans. The Mellower Coffee has over fifty locations in Asia and abroad with its headquarter in Shanghai, China.