Coffee Soda Recipe – Weekend Coffee Treat

Refreshing coffee drink for the summer that you can do at home.

Coffee soda recipa coffee weekend treat
Photo courtesy Prima Coffee

Weekdays are finally over and the weekend is here, as the days are getting hotter our craving for cold drinks are on the rise. For this weekend coffee treat, we have something chilled and inspiriting.

We will be going to make a Coffee Soda adopted recipe from the Prima Coffee.

To make the coffee, you’ll need:
  • 20 g ground coffee, fine
  • 250 g water, 207 F
  • Coil chiller or ice bath
  • 100 g ice for diluting

You can brew your coffee the usual brew you always do but, to get a full-bodied flavor we suggest that you will use an Aeropress to give a bit more body and strength to your coffee.

To carbonate, you need a whipping siphon and CO2 cartridges, but you can make this in larger batches with kegging equipment as well!

Note: You need a stronger strength of coffee because we’ll dilute it later with ice.

  1. Invert your Aeropress and add the coffee and hot water. 250 g of water will get the Aeropress quite full, so gently and carefully stir the bloom to deflate it so you can add all the water in there.
  2. Add the filter and cap, let this steep for 90 seconds, then invert the Aeropress onto the prepared Coil (or into the vessel of your choice in an ice bath).
  3. Once the coffee is chilled, add the coffee and the remaining ice to a cup and stir to chill and dilute until the ice will no longer melt.
  4. Strain into whipping siphon.
To prepare the coffee soda you’ll need:
  • 45 g simple syrup
  • Whipping siphon
  • 2 CO2 cartridges
  • Orange peel
  1.  Add the syrup to the coffee (we recommend tasting as you go, it should taste sweet and syrupy, but not too cloying.
  2. The carbon dioxide will add acidity later on), along with 2-3 pieces of orange zest. Cap off the siphon, and charge with one CO2 cartridge (we like to charge upside-down for this).
  3. With the siphon upright, vent off the pressure by depressing the handle, covering the spout with a cloth. This step will remove the excess air in the chamber, allowing for more CO2 to be added.
  4. Charge with a second CO2 cartridge, then chill for at least one hour.
  5. When ready to serve, vent the CO2 as before and full depressurize the siphon. Unscrew the cap, and wait for the foam to settle.
  6. Pour the soda through a strainer into a chilled glass with ice.
  7. If the soda is too foamy, pour first into another container, then into your glass.

The excess carbonation will subside and the soda will be perfectly fizzy and crisp – just right for a hot summer day!