Coffee For Good Skin


We always heard news about the health benefits of coffee all over the internet even in books and magazines, but did you know that coffee is not only good for the health but also good for skin?

I’m not talking about coffee scrubs, but drinking coffee will not only boost your health but also gives you a healthy skin.

Here’s what your skin can get when you drink your cuppa when consumed in moderation;

Slowdown skin aging

Free radicals in the body can lead to the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and a loss of elasticity. According to a survey conducted by the Daejeon Metropolitan City Institute of Health and Environment in South Korea, “coffee contains antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids that help to combat free radicals. After comparing different substances, the researchers found that the quality of antioxidants found in coffee is almost the same as 300 to 590mg of vitamin C.” For this reason, caffeine is commonly used in anti-aging products.

Soothe Inflamed Skin

Coffee had also been renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties. The Harvard Medical School attributes this to its caffeine content, coupled with powerful antioxidant substances like polyphenols and hydrocinnamic acids. Caffeine is a great help for those with acne-prone skin as the antioxidants in coffee can help soothe the angry and red breakouts.

Fade Under Eye Circles

Under eye, dark circles can be a cause of some factors like dehydration, allergies, and lack of sleep. The anti-inflammatory properties of coffee help in the reduction of puffiness and inflammation associated with dark circles.

Minimise the appearance of cellulite

Caffeine found in coffee can help to dehydrate fat cells which in turn cause the water to disappear from the surface of your skin and minimize the appearance of cellulite. While more research is needed to confirm the benefits, a study published in 2008, Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that “caffeine applied topically to mice reduced the diameter of fatty cells by 17 percent, reducing the appearance of cellulite.” Apart from applying body scrubs infused with caffeine to your skin, you can also add instant coffee to a regular body scrub at home.

Protect the skin from UV damage

A team of researchers from the University of Washington found that an added benefit of caffeine is its ability to directly absorb damage UV light. Also, coffee that is packed with antioxidants can help to repair any existing skin damage caused by sun exposure.

Source Cleo