Coffee Facts: Why Should You STOP Drinking Instant Coffee?

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coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeAlmost 75% of the world’s population drinks instant coffee, the reason behind this is instant coffee is quick and easy to prepare and all you need is a cup of hot water to dissolve the coffee powder. Aside from it is quick and easy to do, we don’t need to clean the coffee grounds and the coffee machines anymore and if you don’t know how to make a good taste cup of coffee you probably opted for an instant coffee because it is so much easier to do.

But did you know that when you drink instant coffee you are missing out the action of tasting a great cup of coffee? Well for some you might already know this one, but you are too just lazy to prepare a good cup of coffee and for the first timers you are probably surprised and curious for what I am talking. So here are the reasons why you should stop drinking instant coffee and switch to a better life of drinking coffee.

  1. Instant coffee offers a limited taste or in other words, it is tasteless comparing when you grind and brew your own fresh ground coffee beans. Coffee should not be limited in mouthfeel, it should be flavorsome and enjoyable.
  2. There is no romance in instant coffee – if you’re an instant coffee lover then probably your life is a bittersweet and not romantic, and your relationships don’t last forever because this is the life you choose (well this is just my own opinion don’t take it seriously!) I must say that you can justify what kind of lover you are in ways that your coffee are prepared. For the real coffee lovers who has the patience to make all the effort in making a great cup of coffee is a good catch, because they are not just romantic but they are also a sweet lover, caring, and understanding. For people who opted for instant coffee, you have the bittersweet kind of romance because you can’t just infuse and get the proper richness and texture of the sweet coffee grounds in just a hot water. Just like in romance if you want your love to last forever there are no shortcuts and in coffee to achieved the perfect blend of coffee you need to prepare it the right way. You can’t get the right aroma and richness of the coffee goodness in an instant coffee because they are just an aerated slurp and caffeine jolt!
  3. Brewed coffee is like investing in a designer bag – waking up in the morning and ordering a coffee to your favorite high-street coffee shop like Starbucks is just a waste of money. Yes, you saved time and effort but have you saved money? Imagine the cups of coffee you ordered in Starbucks every morning and multiply that in a month?well, I bet you just cost a lot of fortune to Starbucks in just a month. Instead of buying your daily cup of coffee on the high street, why not just make your own cup of coffee at home? Though it cost time and effort but you can save a lot of money and you can invest on luxury things like designer bags or you can buy a better coffee machine.
  4. When you think it takes a lot of time to brew coffee, then you’re thinking the wrong way! Brewing an Artisanal fine fresh roasted coffee doesn’t take a long time to brew. When you have a quality coffee machine it will just take less than 5 minutes to brew your coffee. Standing up in the long line waiting for your turn to have an order to the coffee shop is much longer than brewing your own coffee. Aero Press takes 60 to 90 seconds, Hario V6 takes 2mins and making a superb cup of espresso using your espresso machine will just take an average of 25 seconds to do a great taste cup of espresso.

There are still a lot of people who are not convinced on these coffee facts because drinking instant coffee has already become essential for millions of people when they wake up in the morning. But why not try to brew and create a more flavorsome and aromatic cup of coffee that you will surely enjoy. An extra 2 minutes in the morning to make your own cup of coffee is a life changing experience that will give you a better day!