Understanding the Chlorogenic Acid of Coffee.

Making a cup of coffee using Chemex Coffeemaker

The positive and negative effects of drinking coffee is a broad study in the industry among scientist, experts, and coffee aficionados. And coffees’ Chlorogenic Acid which coffees major component is one of the various research of the specialists on the causes and effects of the coffee acid into our body.

Our body contains a 7pH level which is the neutral level among acids, and bases and our favorite cup of Joe contains a 5pH level which is lower to the neutral acidity which makes a coffee acidic. Keep in mind that any number, below 7pH level, is acid and above the neutral level is a base.

Coffees’ Chlorogenic Acid is what causes the uneasiness of stomach when it drunks. But of course, even we feel the discomfort we still enjoy drinking our coffee.

To understand more the coffee acidity here are few key points to know about Coffees’ Chlorogenic Acid.

Gastric Acid

We have a brief overview of coffee is naturally acidic because it has a lower pH level of 7, and gastric acid or some coffee enthusiasts call it “coffeegasm,” is one of the different acid reactions of coffee in our body.

When we drink coffee, our body responds by creating more gastric acid which causes the uneasy feeling of our stomach. This reaction is natural because of the coffees’ natural acid content which can trigger the acid molecules in our body. Gastric acid is not harmful to some people, but it can be overwhelming to people who are suffering from GERD.

GERD – Gastro Esophageal Reflux Diseases is a chronic condition that causes heartburn or an excessive amount of acid in our body that features a burning pain in the lower chest area, which often occurs when stomach acid flows back up into the food pipe.

People with GERD are sensitive with food and beverage with acidic content such as coffee, banana, tomatoes, and citrus fruits. That is why if you are suffering from this kind of illness, better limit your coffee intake and ask your doctors advice before gulping another cup of java.

Don’t lose hope coffee lovers because the next acid is GERD friendly for you to enjoy a second cup of coffee.

Low-Acid Coffee

Yes, that’s right! There is a low-acid coffee all thanks to the advancement of technology people now who suffers from GERD and to those who are conscious with pH levels can now enjoy another cup of Java.

“A paper published on Texas A&M University’s site showed that a dark roast could reduce the amount of acid created in the stomach after coffee consumption. As the beans roast, a compound comes together that helps keep acid at bay.”– Little Coffee Place.

The type of beans plays a significant role in coffee acidity, just like between the conventional coffee beans Arabica and Robusta, the Arabica beans are known to have less acid in vice-versa to the Robusta beans.

And the roasting process also plays a vital role in developing coffees’ Chlorogenic Acid. According to Death Wish Coffee,” Darker roasts generally have low acidity, and the chemicals that arise during the roasting process may help in hindering your stomach acid.” And in making your coffee cold brew is more acidic than hot coffee, so, if your stomach is sensitive try brewing your coffee using a traditional French press or a Moka Pot.

Chlorogenic Acid

Chlorogenic Acid is what found in coffee, and according to the study publish by the US National Library of Medicine, “chlorogenic acid can reduce glucose intake in the body by 6.9%,” which might help people lose weight.

Base on the research findings coffee drinkers who received coffee enriched with chlorogenic acid lost more weight than the control group. Among the participants, researchers found out that those people who consume a beverage with chlorogenic acid lost an average of 5.4 kg and the group that controls their coffee consumption has an average of 1.7 kg over the 12-week period.

This study sounds pleasing, but if you have a GERD, you need to take a precaution on your coffee intake because the acid in coffee can trigger the GERD, that gives a queasy feeling of the stomach or better consult your doctors before adding another cup to your daily dose of coffee.

Coffee Grounds For Gardening

Well, coffee is not just for humans, but they can also boost your plants. Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen which is an essential component for growth and reproduction in both plants and animals.

Nitrogen is a healthy amino acid that makes proteins, in nucleic acids which can help your plants grow healthy. According to Little Coffee Place, “Some gardeners have turned to used coffee grounds to enrich the soil and grow healthier plants. In fact, some coffee bistros are offering free grounds to gardeners who want them.”

However, even coffee is good for the plants’ experts has advised that if you want to use the coffee grounds to your plants, you should make up only 15 to 20% of your total mixture because of the strong acidity content of coffee it might also kill your plants when you use it too much.

Coffee is naturally acidic, and it doesn’t mean it is bad for your health. You can still drink your morning joe for a boost and might shed some pounds while enjoying your java, but always remember having too much coffee is unhealthy so before drinking an extra cup you should consult first your doctors for your safety and healthy you.