The Smart Phone App For Coffee Lovers

U.S. Army researchers have developed a smartphone app that can tell how much caffeine you should have for optimal alertness and when you should consume it.

Smart phone apps for coffee lovers

Health experts say two to three cups is the ideal coffee consumption for an individual, but do you exceed the recommended cups of coffee per day? Do you always go beyond the recommended coffee cups prescriptions? Yes, we understand that “coffee is life,” coffee has become part of our daily routine that most of the time without coffee we can’t function normally. But we should always keep in mind that too much caffeine is also bad for our health. So, if you can’t monitor how many cups of coffee you drink per day, you should install the ultimate app for coffee addicts into your android phones to keep you reminded how many cups of coffee you should consume per day and the best time you should get your second cup of Joe.

Thanks to our technology because there is an app now that reminds us of our coffee consumption. U.S. Army researchers have developed a smart phone app that can tell you by using algorithms and sleep pattern information to determine how much caffeine you should have for optimal alertness and when you should consume it.

The smart phone app for coffee addicts is called the 2B-Alert app and web-based tool, and it is tested by the U.S Army. The App collects data of individual base on their coffee consumption and learns over time how individuals respond to sleep deprivation and caffeine consumption and calculates the caffeine dosing schedule they should follow for maximum alertness, LiveScience reported.

The researchers found out that when coffee lovers used the algorithm to remind their next cup of coffee and how much, they could improve their attention to a task by up to 64 percent without increasing their total caffeine intake. The app can help the individual to reduce their caffeine consumption by up to 65 percent and still achieve the same level of performance, the study found.

“We developed algorithms that work together, and they essentially allow us to determine, at the individual level, when and how much the individual should take caffeine to achieve peak performance at the desired time, for the desired duration,” Jaques Reifman, director of the DoD Biotechnology High Performance Computing Software Applications Institute at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command and lead study author told LiveScience.