Why Go On A Coffee Date On Valentine’s Day?

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February is the month of love and Valentine’s day is just around the corner. Whether this has been your traditional date or fifty-first date a coffee date is a practical way to celebrate Valentine’s day without going overboard to your budget, here’s why?

Cheap Date

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Fancy dinner? Expensive dates? That would be nice for Valentine’s date, but don’t you think that is too lavishly expensive on the first date? How about an hour or two on a coffee date do you think this is practically effective on your first date? For me, I will pick a coffee date because it’s our first date we are still in the process of getting to know each other. You can probably enjoy your long talk over a cup of coffee and come out having blown $20 or less—even if you throw a brownie into the mix.

Asking your crush or special someone out for a coffee date during the first stage of your relationship is cost-effective, and definitely sweet.

Judging each character on your drinks

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Of course one of the most important parts of a first date is sizing up what, and how, they order. If your date’s drink of choice contains too many instructions for your liking (“half-caf part-skim two-Splenda latte in a double cup”), or is delivered without any niceties at all (lacking “please,” “thank you,” and/or a tip), you might be able to handily declare that he or she might not be The One. (Unless you like a laundry-list latte order and are stingy with your singles, that is. In that case, you probably just found your soul mate.)

Perfect Pacing

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Unlike the lengthy commitment a sit-down dinner necessitates, the coffee-shop date comes complete with an adjustable expiration time. Start out with something small yet sophisticated, like a macchiato or cortado: You can easily sip and savor these strong little jolts, but they’re also perfectly chuggable in case of emergency.

But if you want to spend more time with each other you can offer another round of coffee drink, you can say “Can I get you some more coffee? I’m having such a great time, I think I’ll get another cup.” Going really well? Pull out the big guns and order a totally nurse-worthy Americano. And then there’s the easy segue: “All this coffee’s made me a little hungry. Do you want to grab something to eat?” Boom!

Keep your wits with your coffee

Photo by Nathan Walker on Unsplash

Unlike the (admittedly naughtier) alternative suggestion, “Would you like to get a drink sometime?,” meeting at a cafe has the built-in benefit of not accidentally ending in a crumpled-clothes haze the next morning. That is to say that no matter how much caffeine you ingest, your powers of judgment should be intact: There are no “cappuccino goggles,” as far as I know.

So, what is your plan for your Valentine’s date? Will you choose the fancy dinner date or the practical coffee date?

Source: Serious Eats