Are you making a healthy coffee


    We know that coffee has a lot of health benefits, but are you drinking your coffee in a healthy way? A recent report from the United Nation published a study about people who live the longest, healthiest lives. Since we are drinking our everyday cup of coffee, we might also take a look at the top 10 nations with a unique coffee culture with the healthiest people.


    Dutchess came in third when it comes to coffee drinking they love their coffee as much as British love their tea. Dutches live their life healthily, and they drink their coffee frequently.


    Way back in 2000, Starbucks failed to invade this country because of its rich coffee culture. Australians associate coffee with wellness, socializing and practicing mindfulness. It’s about quality espressos, not cream and sugar. Unlike Americans who used drip coffee to fuel up for work, In the words, Aussies is a nation of self-professed coffee snobs because they have healthy, awesome coffee culture.


    This is a country where they take coffee seriously. The process of making their coffee are very delicate – from their progressive brew methods to the bean origins and right down to the details in presentation. Coffee is made from lightly roasted beans, which brew an elegant, tea-like drink. It is served black, without milk or sugar. No lattes here.


    Singapore likes kopi — a dark, full bodied brew, that is less bitter than its Vietnamese neighbor. They drink up to six cups a day and they like it hot, freshly roasted and sweetened condensed milk.


    The land of Tim Horton was once a traditional brewed coffee was the norm, now specialty espresso drinks are taking center stage.


    Germans drink an average of 150 liters of coffee per year, which might mean they drink more coffee than they do beer or even water. They love this caffeinated brew — and they usually like it brewed as espresso. No drip coffee here.


    The Swiss like their coffee strong and robust. Dark roast espresso and “kaffee crème” — which a long espresso-based drink with milk — are the most popular ways to drink coffee in Switzerland.


    One thing we do know (and love) about Irish coffee: they were the first to famously put whiskey in it.


    Danes love to get together for coffee-hygge — and there is a lot to learn about them from that alone.


    Here’s the thing about Icelanders and coffee — they drink it a lot. Sure, they might not be the nation recorded for drinking the most, but ever since coffee made it to the island back in 1703, it has been an integrated part of the culture. It is tied to celebrations in much the same way that booze is for other cultures. And just so you really understand how much they love the stuff, decaf is not really a thing that’s offered in Iceland.

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