The Handpresso Experience


Have you ever heard about this innovative invention for coffee? Probably yes and probably not yet. I have seen a lot of post about this Handpresso on Pinterest and seems like this coffee thing is promising especially to coffee lovers.

The Handpresso is designed for an on-the-go coffee experience. Whether you are on a road trip or, camping you can still experience a great cup of espresso without slowing down your trip by going to a coffee shop. The Handpresso Auto Espresso Machine enables you to have an espresso whenever and where ever you feel like it!

This Handpresso machine is innovative with up to 16 bars of pressure is sure to produce great tasting espresso with the crema you like.

What’s more great about this Handpresso is that it’s compact that is why you can hand carry where ever you go. It has a temperature gauge, a 1.79 fluid ounce water reservoir, a stainless steel, E.S.E. pod ready, filter basket and port a filter. All of this is packed into a machine that is about the size of a typically insulated coffee mug.

The operation of the Handpresso Auto Espresso Machine couldn’t be much easier – simply place it in a cup holder, then plug it into your vehicle’s 12-volt outlet/cigarette lighter. Add some water and an E.S.E. coffee pod, then press the button and wait for three beeps. Your espresso is now ready to drink. It’s really that easy!

Have you already tried the Handpresso Auto Machine? If yes, what do you think about the product?

You can view more about The Handpresso Auto Machine at