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Why should you use your own cup when buying coffee?

Tons of garbages are being collected and thrown each day, and this is one of the major crisis the world is facing today. The...
Canal cafe in Tokyo overlooking the cherry blossom tress

The Best Cafes In Tokyo To View The Cherry Blossom Trees

Although it's officially spring, we can't feel yet here in the United States the spring vibe because it is still cold and snowy outside....
Takeaway coffee cups

Recyclable coffee cups are the best investment you can have.

Tons of garbages are being collected and thrown each day, and this is one of the major crisis the world is facing today. The...
Oat Milk Is the New Substitute For the Almond Milk Coffee

Oat Milk Is the New Substitute For the Almond Milk Coffee

Can you drink your morning Joe without adding creamer or milk in it? Well, some of us love black coffee and can drink up...
Coffee cause cacer

Coffee Can Cause Cancer

The State of California says coffee can cause cancer. So are there claims true or it's just a hoax? A lot of coffee articles says...
Washington DC coffee shop

14 Best Coffee Shops In Washington DC

Here are 14 best coffee shops in Washington DC To take your date this Valentines Day. Happy Valentine's Day coffee lovers! Since it's already the...

Ten Coffee Shops To Visit In China

With the last year's announcement of Starbucks opening their largest Roastery in Shanghai China coffee lovers around the world is excited to take a...
Instant coffee-coffee-granules-coffee-grounds-coffee-beans

Half Of The World Prefers Instant Coffee Than Specialty Coffee

For most Americans drinking instant coffee is submerging your self into a gross pile of shit holes or in other words coffee is not...
Black ivory Coffee. A coffee brewed from beans that have been through an elephants intestine

The world’s most expensive coffee is no longer Kopi Luwak but comes from the...

As we all know the Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world but over the years of coffee producers experimenting with...

15 Coffee Shops To Travel This 2018.

2017 is indeed a great year, but we are more excited to what 2018 has to offer. There has been a lot of things...