Coffee Machines That Perfectly Suit Your Taste and Lifestyle

The Best Coffee Machine to grind coffee beans and make coffee

Nowadays coffee makers are becoming necessities in every households and office, so picking up coffee machines are crucial especially when this is your first time buying because your coffee machine can make or break the taste of your coffee.

Here is a list of the best coffee machines on the market that can help you decide which best suit your taste and style.

Pod or Capsule Machine

With its millennial style and function, it’s no wonder that pods or capsule coffee machines are so popular these days. This coffee machine doesn’t require a lot of work before you can make coffee, because it has simple navigation system where you add water, insert your pod or capsule in the machine, and wait for a minute or two then your coffee is ready.

Pod coffee machine is a good investment especially when you’re just starting your coffee adventure, it is user-friendly, and has many coffee pods flavors you can choose from. However, the downside is that coffee pods are a bit expensive, and less environmentally friendly than ground or instant coffee but, despite this, a lot of coffee lovers prefer this type of coffee machine.

Also if you want to get more creative, with your coffee the pod, or capsule machine might not be the coffee maker for you, but opted for a different kind of coffee maker that will suit your preferences.

Bean-to-cup machines

If you want to experience a coffee-shop-style latte in the comfort of your home the bean-to-cup machine is the ideal coffee maker for you. This type of coffee makers is a bit adventurous than the pod machines because you need a little bit of knowledge and skills maybe it will take you two to three times of practice before you can get the hang of it.

This type of coffee machines has already a built-in grinder, many of which come with a variety of settings so you can decide just how finely you would like your beans ground, and pours your drink automatically once finished. And some even included even a steam arm so you can froth milk.

Filter coffee machines

Filtered coffee machines are the classic type coffee makers often seen in every households and office. This type of coffee machine is ideal for people who don’t need extra on their coffee, and just need a quick pick-me-up.

Filtered coffee machines are easy to use, but the taste of your coffee will depend on your coffee beans and the water you will be using. Filter coffee machines work by dripping water through ground beans into a warm jug below. They’re a bit time-consuming than other coffee machines, but every cycle of use means the next cycle will produce stronger coffee.

In every coffee lover, there’s always a perfect coffee machine that will suit our budget and preferences.

1. AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker

You can always have your coffee on the go with this AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker. So whether you’re on the mountain or at the park, simply put a spoon of whatever coffee you like in the tube, add hot water, then press down with the plunger.

Aeropress Coffee Espresso Maker Portable Espresso Coffee Maker With Coffee Filter


Within 30 seconds, you’ll have a smooth cup of coffee (though admittedly without a coffee-shop style crema). Cleaning up is easy, and they even come with 350 disposable microfilters, so are low-cost to run.

2. Gaggia Classic Semi-Automatic Espresso Maker

One of Which’s “Best Buys”, it’s a classic stainless steel machine that delivers top-notch espressos in just 16 seconds.

Gaggia Classic Semi-Automatic Espresso Maker. Pannarello Wand for Latte and Cappuccino Frothing.

It has a steamer attachment so you can make frothy coffees, and works with both ground coffee and ESE (easy serve espresso) pods. Very simple to operate, too.

3. Francis Francis X7.1 Iperespresso Machine, Red

Red, Francis Francis X7.1 Iperespresso Machine

There are few coffee machines as good-looking as this vintage-style number from Francis Francis. Another capsule chomper, it’s best at espressos but does have a steam wand so you can froth milk for cappuccinos and lattes. Available in red, white or black.

4. Nespresso Pixie Original Espresso Machine by Breville, Titan

The smallest of the Nespresso range, the Pixie is compact enough to squeeze into small spaces and provides a good-quality single or double espresso from a capsule in as little as 25 seconds.

Nespresso Pixie Original Espresso Machine by Breville, Titan

However, if you want a coffee machine that has a milk frother this pixie doesn’t have one so if you want to make cappuccino you need to buy separate milk frother or upgrade to a bigger one.

5. Breville BES870BSXL The Barista Express Coffee Machine

Breville BES870BSXL The Barista Express Coffee Machine

The stainless steel machine is solid and stylish and will grind beans on any of 18 settings from coarse to fine, depending on how you crave your cuppa. The machine helpfully has “clean me” and “empty me” lights which remind you when it needs a bit of TLC