Beating The Summer Heat With Hot Coffee Drink

Hot coffee

Summer is becoming more fun for us iced coffee lovers because there are more coffee variations we can enjoy this season.

We drink iced cold drinks during the warmer days to beat the summer heat that is why cold brew coffee is essential for the summer. But did you know that drinking such iced cold drinks won’t help you ease the hot weather?

Drinking iced cold coffee give us pleasure this warmer season but it doesn’t mean that it helps us to lower our body temperature, so instead of drinking iced coffee drinks why not drink the counterpart which is the hot coffee to beat the summer heat.

Is that possible?

Yes, because hot beverages have some counterintuitive cooling powers – “when we’re hot, we naturally cool our bodies primarily by sweating, or more specifically by having the sweat evaporate from our skin. Our bodies sense changes in tissue temperature by a network of thermosensors located in the skin and in more central parts of our body, which sends input to our brain (specifically, the hypothalamus), which then initiates sweating.”

“When we take in a hot drink, it appears that the thermosensors located in the stomach become overactive, and send strong signals to our hypothalamus that we are hot. In turn, the hypothalamus reacts by initiating an over-compensatory sweating response. So, when this sweat evaporates from our skin, the heat energy we lose due to evaporation exceeds the heat energy gained by drinking the hot drink. In other words, it is because our body overacted to the hot drink that we end up cooler in the end.” – said Anthony Bain, a Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Heart, Lung, and Vascular Health at the University of British Columbia.

But he added that drinking hot coffee during the warmer days won’t work always. The process of drinking hot coffee to cool you off is when all your sweats will evaporate. If you’re already very hot and sweaty, most of that additional sweat generated by the warm beverage won’t have time to evaporate; instead, it will drop off from your body, which doesn’t help to cool you off. “So, if you are already very hot and profusely sweating — opt for the cold drink,” Bain said.“ So, drinking hot coffee is a case-to-case basis if you aren’t sweaty that much then you can drink your hot coffee all the way.