The Answer To Your Mostly Asked Questions About Coffee

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For people who are first timers in coffee and has a lot of questions to which coffee is much better the difference between coffee beans and instant coffee and more. This blog will help you understand the difference of coffee beans and the different coffee variations. 


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeIt is a wrong idea that dark roast coffee is a lot stronger than light roast coffee. The two were compared in terms of richness, complexity and how they prepared. DARK ROAST coffee has a bittersweet in flavor and roasted for a longer period of time at a higher temperature. While the LIGHT ROAST coffee has a lighter aroma that smells like floral and has a sweeter flavor, but they have the same amount of caffeine with the dark roast coffee.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeArabica and Robusta are just two of the many kinds of coffee that we often see in our local supermarkets and coffee houses. A lot of times we often asked what is the difference between the two coffee beans. Though they are the same coffee beans but they are totally different species in coffee.

ROBUSTA came from Africa and produces fruits more quickly. It has twice stronger caffeine than Arabica. Stronger and harsher in taste. Almost 30% coffee distributed in the world is ROBUSTA coffee.

70% of the coffee in the world is ARABICA and primarily came from Latin America. Arabica coffee has lesser caffeine, sweeter and finer in taste, and they are more expensive than ROBUSTA coffee.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeWhen it comes to making our everyday cup of coffee we use our coffee machines to make them. But there are different technique in ways we make them like for ESPRESSO and DRIP, this two are totally different in presentation

ESPRESSO – to make a perfect espresso you need to grind your coffee beans finely to get the right texture and richness of the coffee beans. Espresso is made by forcing a hot water under a high pressure through your finely ground coffee. Espresso has higher caffeine because it is much concentrated and of course Espresso will not be an Espresso without the crema on top.

DRIP – this has a medium-ground coffee beans and like Espresso this was made by pouring a hot boiling water to it. But the difference was, coffee drip has a filter where the water will pass through and winds up in a coffee pot. This has a lower caffeine concentration in Espresso, but the result may vary depending on how many cups of coffee you take in a day.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeLooking at this two coffee variation, they seem like very similar in all angle but in terms of preparation and taste, they are totally different. CAPPUCCINO is prepared with lesser steamed milk and has a lot of milk foam on top. While CAFE LATTE had lesser foam on top and creamier in flavor.


coffee, espresso, coffee shop, coffee bean, coffee beans, coffee cup, coffee shops, types of coffee, coffee brands, best coffee, espresso coffee, arabica coffeeThis another coffee variation that seems like similar but totally different on how it was prepared.

CAFE LATTE is made with Espresso and steamed milk
CAFE AU LAIT is made by drip coffee and steamed milk

It seems like coffee is all the same but when you get to loved in drinking coffee you will surely know the right taste and differences of each coffee beans and coffee variations in town.