What is Caffè Breve?

Caffè Breve

Caffè breve is an espresso-based drink made like a cappuccino, but with steamed half-and-half instead of milk. The resulting foam is very creamy. Try a breve latte if you’re looking for a decadently rich espresso drink that doesn’t contain sugar.

It’s also known as a caffè breve and a breve coffee. The name comes from the Italian word breve, which means “short” in English.

It is a fluffier variation of the latte. The difference between the two lies in the type of milk used: while both are made with espresso and steamed milk, a latte uses regular milk while a caffè breve uses steamed half-and-half.

Surprisingly, a caffè breve has significantly more fat and cholesterol than lattes made with whole milk rather than low-fat or non-fat.

Some coffee drinkers prefer caffè breve to other types of coffee because they find it rich enough to serve as dessert and their morning caffeine fix.

What Does It Taste Like?

A breve latte is a coffee drink that is super rich and creamy—so no sugar is necessary because of its sweet top layer. It has high-fat content, but it’s worth it!

Caffè Breve vs. Latte

What is Latte?

The classic latte is a favorite of many coffee lovers. To make this drink, you start with espresso shots and then add a large amount of steamed milk; often, a small layer of foam tops the frothy drink.

Lattes come in a variety of sizes, including six, eight, and 12 ounces. The larger the cup size, the stronger the flavor. Lattes are made by pouring steamed milk over espresso grounds, resulting in a smooth texture and full-bodied flavor. But you can customize your drink to taste by choosing your favorite flavor add-ons, such as hazelnut or caramel sauce.

What’s a Caffè Breve?

It is a type of drink that is a lot like a latte but more flavorful and strong. It is made with half-and-half instead of milk and has frothed half-and-half. The drink is made by stirring the espresso into the half-and-half until it’s all blended together.

Caffè breves are more like cappuccinos, with frothy foam on top. Conversely, lattes are lighter and less-rich versions of cappuccinos.

Caffè Breve Latte
Richer and creamier Might have flavored syrups
Espresso and half-and-half Espresso and frothed milk
Topped with lots of foam Topped with a small amount of foamed milk



Caffè Breve is Italy’s answer to the most popular of all coffee drinks, the macchiato or latte. It’s a delicious, affordable treat that will keep you entertained as it keeps you warm. If you’re in Italy, you may want to try this drink to experience its authentic taste!